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One-click crypto

Simplified fiat-to-crypto onramp solution.

Customise your payment flow

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Global reach

Invite people from around the world, spanning an impressive 190 countries, to join in the exciting world of cryptocurrency with just a simple click. This approach is all about making it incredibly easy and fast for anyone, anywhere, to dive into the cryptocurrency market, creating a more connected and inclusive financial world.
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Boost sales

Give your sales a lift by introducing a fresh stream of revenue. Imagine a setup where customers can smoothly purchase and add cryptocurrency as part of their usual payment process. This not only makes transactions slicker but also opens the door to a new crowd who are keen on exploring digital currencies.
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Efficient API

Embrace a ready-to-use solution that's not only easy to plug into your current system but also fully customizable. With a powerful API and an interface you can tailor to your needs, this solution is all about making it as simple as possible for you to jump on board with cryptocurrency payments, without any tech headaches.
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Local fiat payments

Merge the comfort of using local fiat payment methods with the cutting-edge world of global cryptocurrency payments. This blend offers the best of both worlds – the ease and familiarity of local card payments plus the innovation and efficiency of cryptocurrencies, making transactions a breeze for your users.
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Enjoy every feature

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Easy integration

Our API and redirect URL no-code integration will help you to keep the existing payment flow.
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Ready-made crypto toolkit

Get even more with our crypto processing services and control your crypto revenue with Sheepy dashboards.
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All major payment methods and cryptocurrencies

We support Visa, Mastercard, ApplePay and all major cryptocurrencies.
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Fast verification

One-time automated KYC process that requires standard ID documents and less than 2 minutes to complete.

Track client deposits

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Single payment flow

The onramp offers a unique payment flow, seamlessly depositing the purchased funds directly into the merchant's wallet. The API methods facilitate customer redirection to the cryptocurrency purchase interface, which comes equipped with pre-filled parameters such as amount and currencies.
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Deposit (static) addresses feature

The integration of a deposit address feature significantly reduces errors as customers enter their details. Successful deposits can be easily tracked on the dashboard, ensuring all functionalities are consolidated within a single system.
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Connect with our expert team


Ready to get started?

Create your account in minutes, start accepting crypto payments, and unlock the future of crypto transactions today. For a custom package tailored to your needs, the Sheepy team is here to help.
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Individual support round-the-clock

Experience personalized support with Sheepy. Our dedicated team is available 24/7 via chat and email to assist you at every step.
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Start integrating right away

Experience personalized support with Sheepy. Our dedicated team is available 24/7 via chat and email to assist you at every step.