

Greece is one of the countries that has embraced and supported the development and adoption of fintech and DLT solutions, including cryptopayments. As of 2024, cryptopayments are largely unregulated in Greece, as they fall outside the scope of the existing EU and national financial services legislation.

According to the Circular No. 1117/2018 issued by the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (IAPR), income from transactions involving cryptocurrencies is subject to income tax, depending on the nature and frequency of the transactions. For individuals, the tax rate ranges from 15% to 45%, depending on the amount of income. For businesses, the tax rate is 24%. Additionally, value-added tax (VAT) may apply to certain transactions involving cryptocurrencies, depending on whether they are considered goods, services, or means of payment.

Businesses that accept crypto payments must comply with the anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing (AML/CTF) requirements, such as customer due diligence, transaction monitoring, record-keeping, and reporting of suspicious activities.

Greece is one of the countries that has demonstrated interest and support for the development and adoption of fintech and DLT solutions, including cryptopayments. However, the regulation of cryptopayments in Greece and the EU is not yet fully established and harmonized, and poses various challenges and risks for all stakeholders involved.

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